We are the kids brand that grandparents choose for quality, parents for design and freshness, and kids for comfort and fun.

As a family company, tinycottons was born in dec. 2012, Barb Bruno & Gerard Lazcano decided to do something different for the kids business. They built a brand with great quality products mainly made in Europe, and treat that brand as an adults brand. stylish but bold. With a strong image and a story behind every collection that kids get involved with, learn something or just love a piece that they'll remember forever.

As for inspiration , being based in Barcelona makes every thing easier. this city is so cosmopolitan, full of culture, art, green spaces, parks, small and big companies that empower us to make it better every day.
Books and travels are also parts of our creation process. We draw, paint, cut and glue as much as we can. we try to be free as kids minds. with their own and only, bold and not so serious attitude. every season we tell a new story and we send a strong message to share.
Where you can find us?
We have our headquarters in Barcelona and three well located shops in Barcelona & Madrid, in addition to tinycottons.com
We sell through tinycottons.com to all over the world, such as Gemany, France, Japan, Korea, United States, Canada and so much more.
We wholesale to 34 countries and we have 400 selected retailers worldwide.